MA Workers’ Comp Rate Changes effective 7/1/2023

7/1/2023 Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Rate Change

The Massachusetts Commissioner of Insurance has approved a Stipulation for the general revision of workers’ compensation rates, effective 12:01 A.M., July 1, 2023, applicable to new and renewal policies.

Average Rates
The overall average decrease of 10.2% will vary by industry group as follows:

Industry Change
Manufacturing -10.1%
Construction -12.0%
Office & Clerical -13.0%
Goods & Services -10.5%
Miscellaneous -2.7%

Average rates include adjustments for experience factors, the construction class credit and other factors.

Change in Manual Rates
The overall decrease in manual rates by industry group is:

Industry Change
Manufacturing -10.7%
Construction -12.5%
Office & Clerical -17.3%
Goods & Services -11.0%
Miscellaneous -3.4%

The changes by class, even within the same industry group, vary substantially.

Our downloadable PDF document includes a list of the more common classifications we work with and the new manual rates per $100 of payroll. The rates for all Massachusetts classes can be found at, the web site of the Workers’ Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau of Massachusetts, on their Class Code Lookup page.

Experience Rating Plan Changes

The Experience Rating Plan Expected Loss Rates and D-Ratios have also changed. These rates and ratios are used in calculating experience rating factors (experience mod. and ARAP) and are a significant component in determining the final premium for an experience rated risk. Expected loss rates used in calculating experience factors decreased by an average of 3.8% over all industry groups.

A risk is eligible for experience rating when the payrolls or other exposures developed in the last year or last two years of the experience period produced a premium of at least $11,000. If more than two years, an average annual premium of at least $5,500 is required.

Experience mods and ARAPs already issued effective 7/1/2023 or after on a preliminary basis will be recalculated to reflect the new Expected Loss Rates.

Small Deductible Credits

The premium credits applicable to the election of small deductibles under either the Massachusetts Benefits Deductible Program or the Massachusetts Benefits Claim and Aggregate Deductible Program have been revised. The deductible credits will be:

Benefits Deductible Coverage Program

Deductible Amount Credit
$500 1.5%
$1,000 2.5%
$2,000 3.8%
$2,500 4.4%
$5,000 6.7%


Benefits Claim and Aggregate Deductible Program

Under this program, a per claim deductible of $2,500 applies subject to an aggregate of $10,000. For policies with an estimated annual standard premium over $200,000, the aggregate is 5% of the estimated annual standard premium.

Estimated Annual Standard Premium Credit
$0 to $75,000 4.3%
$75,001 to $100,000 4.2%
$100,001 to $125,000 4.1%
$125,001 to $150,000 4.0%
$150,001 to $200,000 3.8%
over $200,000 3.5%


Other Factors

There were changes to the Retrospective Rate Plan as well as an overall average decrease in F-Classes rates of 15.6% and a decrease in the United States Longshore and Harbor Workers’ (USL&H) factor for non-F classes to 16.0%. For details, see the Bureau’s web site at

There were no changes in the following:

  • Expense Constant
  • Loss Constant
  • Admiralty Law and Federal Employers’ Liability Act classifications
  • Merit Rating Program
  • Massachusetts Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program
  • Premium Discount Tables A and B


It is important to remember this rate change will affect each insured differently and premium changes will vary. Please consult with your account manager to review how this change will affect you.

To download a PDF version of this blog, including the referenced rate table, please click here:

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